Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sooo proud!

Gabe totally made today so awesome. We went to an easter egg hunt and I let him do it even though I knew he couldn't have the candy. We talked about it and he said he was okay with bringing everything to me. So we did the hunt and he brings me his basket. I take all the candy out and replace it with stuff I had brought. So then we are stuck with this HUGE basket of candy he can't have. So Gabe goes and gives ALL of it away to the other kids. Smiling the whole time. I was soo proud! We did get some strange looks until I explained he has food allergies and that he couldn't have the candy. But this one lady I nearly hit. He went up and asked if they wanted a piece of candy (and I know how she meant this, but she said it where Gabe could hear AND in a very rude tone) WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT KID?! Um nothing you fucking idiot he can't eat it so he's being nice. WTF is wrong with you is what I wanted to say. Luckily it is a distant family member of my friends and so she intervened and told her off for me! Oh and because he was sooo great about it my friend who is 2nd cheif let Gabe sit in the drivers seat of the fire engine and push buttons and such. Made Gabe's day!

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