Sunday, March 21, 2010


Well, today was a nice full day. We went to a late St. Patty's parade. 1 hour to drive there 1.5 hour parade, 1 hour to drive home! But the boys had fun. Gabe did really well with only eating his candy.

So then we came home and my father in law and his long term girlfriend and sister in law and her Fiancee come over. We play in the yard for about an hour, then we come in and eat. They brought a pizza which is specialty made and we love. Gabe of course can't have any. Also they brought a cake which is fine, but I thought they would stay a little later and we wouldn't be having it in front of Gabe. Not a bid deal though, he had his own pizza which he loves and a brownie and some ice cream that he can eat. SIL caught him picking crumbs off the knife used on the cake though and then I saw him lick a stray piece of pizza. But I mean MINIMAL amount ingested!

Yup he has a rash. I had to give him benadryl. I don't know if I'm missing something bigger than this, or if those 2 TINY instances could effect him that bad. :( I'm pretty sure it was from licking the tiny amount of sauce. BUT it makes me worry that maybe he's having this reaction to something else. We've only been in this house for 5 months. What if he's allergic to the house? (Very doubtful because the restriction diet made rashes go away, but still what if?) What if he's allergic to something else?!!?

At this point I just don't know. I'm just so bummed, he did soooo good all day and now the poor kid has a rash anyways. :(

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