Friday, March 19, 2010

another day another allergy.

You know at his 3rd birthday back in December my son could eat anything. We knew he had allergic reactions to two antibiotics and that was it. Beyond that we thought everything else was safe. Now he has 16 allergies. You know that is almost the same number of lines as his list of foods he can eat. :( Seriously that's just crazy.

On the blood test Gabe comes back negative for everything. This is normal. From what my allergist says, it's a hit or miss. It works for some people totally doesn't for others. Gabe is one that it doesn't' work for. So we go according to skin prick test results. (SPT)

According to that Gabe has 13 allergies out of the 31 they tested for. Since then he has reacted to strawberries (not on the test), latex, (not on the test) and last night peanuts or tree nuts. (not sure which). They will NOT test for peanuts on a SPT because people who are allergic tend to be so allergic.

So last night we gave him a few cashews that are baked in peanut oil. I mean seriously the kid has SOOOO many other allergies I figured wants the chance he's allergic to peanuts too? Um apparently pretty good. Luckily because of his restricted diet it's not like it's hard to avoid them, just sad that we have to add something to his list of allergies. :(

But on the upside, going corn, wheat, egg and strawberry free his formerly ALWAYS rosy cheeks are no longer there. His ears aren't red anymore, his hands are much less red. His eczema is almost totally gone. He's got more energy (which by the way he doesn't need! LOL!) And the kid is now eating like a horse. When he was first starting food he used to eat and eat and eat. But little by little he stopped eating a lot. We figured he was just done with a growth spurt. But now he's suddenly eating like crazy!!!! I made a great allergy free pizza last night and he had 5 pieces!!!!!!!! (2x3in sized) then 2 oranges, and then half a muffin! (that's within an hour!!!!!!) For the past few days he just eats and eats. Makes me think that all the foods were causing him mild pain, or discomfort and made him feel yucky enough that he didn't want to eat. We'll see if the crazy eating thing lasts.

I'm finally feeling like I have a handle on this whole allergy thing. I'm starting to know what to look for and when I need to call and find out. Plus I finally have enough food that he can eat that I feel like I can give him a fairly balanced diet AND some great treats. (I made homemade peach ice cream for him last night).

Anyways, off to start another crazy day in mommy paradise. Enjoy!

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