Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I need that.

So for anyone who's kids have food allergies, they know that you HAVE to cook a LOT more. Especially with soy or corn allergies. I mean yea it's great no more evil processed foods and all, BUT lets face it, it's a LOT of work! There is a reason that frozen food companies do so well! People don't have a lot of time anymore!

All I can say is THANK GOD (and amazing wonderful hubby who supports me) that I can stay at home. If you are reading this blog and you have a kid with severe food allergies and you work, I bow down to you! Seriously, I don't know how to fit all the stuff into my very boring day. I don't know how people who work do this.

Any-who to the point of my tirade. I need to spend sooo much time in the kitchen now, but I am learning that having those random gadgets that most people buy and never use is actually nice. :) I recently got a crock pot again. (25 bucks for a HUGE one at walmart!) (someone stole ours when we moved, Karma will get them.) Then I got a new hand held mixer (10 bucks at target!), then an ice cream maker. (walmart clearance 15 bucks! WOOT!) Now my Grammy in law is loaning me her bread maker until the one my other grandma is giving me gets here! So now I will have a bread maker! (other than myself!) Wooo Hooo! Everyone it seems that I know, has bought these GREAT gadgets but then never uses them, because well who wants to spend all day in the kitchen? So I am slowly buying them off everyone I know, or buying them when they clearance! My next thing? Dehydrator! I figure I can make banana chips, apple chips, etc, and have a bunch of easy little fruit snack bags that I can just grab and go. That would be nice. So yea I need that! LOL! Seriously though, they are really a nice thing to have! They save some time and get my bread to rise just right!

Tonight I plan on making muffins (didn't I JUST make a batch?) and trying a new namaste mix for dumplings, then I'm going to try to make a chicken and dumpling meal of some sort. I don't have it entirely planned, but it's gonna have peas, carrots, chicken, and a really good buttery milk sauce. (sorry for you dairy allergic people) I'll post the recipe if it turns out any good!

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