Monday, March 22, 2010

It's hard.

It's so hard to have to drastically change your eating habits. It's even harder for a small child. Gabe got into some stupid candy this morning and again was complining of a belly ache and itchy face. :(

It seems like no matter how hard we try we just can't keep him away from everything. Like all this hard work is for nothing. We are doing the best we can. We try to make sure NOTHING is out where he can reach it and that we don't eat anything in front of him that he can't have unless he has a damn good substitute (like his own pizza while we have ours etc) but it just seems like no matter how hard we try he ends up with a mild rash most days still. Plus he is constantly telling me he just doesn't feel good. I don't know if it's due to reactions, due to him liking the attention (he does have a sibling and another on the way so 1 on 1 is big with him) or if it's just that he thinks it's what we want to hear because we are asking him all the time.

I just don't know. And today I'm very discouraged, that after all my hard work he still has a damn rash today. I wonder if we'll ever get this down pat. Or if we are gonna find out he has more allergies.

I'd love to go totally allergen free in the house, but lets face it, I'm pregnant I can't survive on his diet. Hubby wouldn't even try. And our second son doesn't need to and he hates all the allergy free foods, but suffers through them when his brother is around. I want to be fair to him too. He deserves regular food too! (we sneak him crakers when he wakes up before his brother, or cheese etc.)

I just don't know how to find a balance today. I'm just bummed. I wish there was just a quick answer for all this. Plus tomorrow we go for my second son, Lincoln's, hearing test. At the begining of the year he had one and he failed miserably. We thought it was due to ear infections and got tubes put in 3 weeks ago. Tomorrow is judgement day to see if his hearing loss was permanent or if the tubes fixed it. If the results are good then I wish it was tomorrow already. If they are bad then I just want to stay at today, because at this moment I'd rather have hope that he is hearing like he should and that we are not just adding on another major life changing health problems to another of our kids. KWIM? I know whatever the results are we will deal and be fine, but just for today it's too much and I'm overwhelmed. And I know that even if the results are bad that it's better to know now so that we can help him with it. He still has hearing just a lot of stuff is mumbled for him so it's a lot to work with. But for today I just don't want more work. I know that sounds awful, but today is apparently a pity party day. :(

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