Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Maybe we've figured it out?

Okay sooo what we think is this....His BIG allergy is soy. That is the one that causes us to go to the ER. The others MIGHT be what causes he eczema and red face and such, but that once his body isn't as hypersensitive they might go away to the point that he can eat them again. So we are definitely adding soy to the list. :( But in hopes that this means it was the soy that caused the really bad reactions instead of the corn, because well soy is labeled on everything corn is not. Soooo personally I'd rather him have a major soy allergy and not a corn one.

LMAO In all honesty it could be both or all of them. We will just have to see. But at least we now hopefully have the complete list of things that set him off and we can detox his system. Then once everything is out we see how he's doing and start from square one again.

Oh and the soy allergy explains yesterdays bad reaction AND the mild one the day before it. Ahhhh enlightenment.......

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