Sunday, April 11, 2010

Math problem

6.50/26=.25 (price of bag of pancake mix divided by how many pancakes I get) I got 13 4-5 inch pancakes per batch and each bag has 2 batches.
50/1.68=.04(oz per jar divided by price)
4x.04=.16(oz per 1/2 cup times price)
44/7.00=.15(oz per bottle divided by price)
1x.15=.15(oz per 2 table spoons times price)
8/3=2.67(price divided by how many servings we got per batch)
2.67/13=.20(price per batch divided by number of pancakes

So ladies and gentlemen for .76 cents a pancake we had breakfast today. That is using Target applesauce, Carapelli Olive Oil, Namaste pancake mix, and Full Circle Maple Syrup.

And let me tell you, they were GOOD! REALLY GOOD! The last ones we made (Pamela's) tasted good, but I had a hard time getting them to flip. They were just really thick and didn't' want to flip unless you let them start to almost burn. Plus those tasted good, but they didn't taste like regular pancakes. These taste almost exactly, if not better, than the ones I used to make before all the allergies. Although, hubby wanted me to mention that they are slightly thicker than the old recipe. (not a bad thicker just a bit thicker). They are soooo yummy! Gabe had 6!!!!!!!!!!!!

So for 9.88 we fed a family of 4 before drinks and if Gabe hadn't been such a piggy we could have easily fed 1 more. (we ended up with 1 left over even)

And for less than 10 bucks we get to keep an allergy free family tradition! (top 8 plus corn free) We've always been big on making pancakes on Sundays and that's been hard to keep with all the allergies and now it's back! And Gabe is so excited! LOL! His face just lights up when I tell him we are making pancakes! Then I set everything out on the table to make them. I pour into the measuring cups and him and Link pour into the mixing bowl. LOL! They love doing it! And it makes it so easy for me to bake while they are awake! LOL! Plus it's a great thing for us to do together, followed by some yummy pancakes.

Maybe in 20 years my boys will remember these Sundays as one of their favorite memories. Making pancakes with mom and then all of us sitting around the table to enjoy the fruits of our labor. :) I know I will.

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