So after making the creamed peas and potatoes last night i thought why not try to make mini pot pies? So I attempted that today and my crusts totally fell apart and made like a crumble. Soooo screw it! Let's make it a casserole!!!!
LOL! Turned out good! Gabe had 2 helping! LOL!
1 lbs ground turkey
1 cup and 4tbls rice flour divided
1/2 cup 2tbls butter
1 tbls flax seed meal
4-5 red potatoes
1 can carrots
1 can green beans
2 cups milk
optional handful of black eyed peas
Salt and pepper
In a bowl mix 1 cup rice flour, 1/2 cup and 2 tbls soft butter, 1 tbls flax seed meal. Mix well then put in cupcake pan and thin out. Cook at 375 for about 10 minutes. When it comes out it will look like a bunch of crumbs. Set aside. Brown 1 lbs ground turkey put turkey in a casserole dish, leave juice. In a pot boil 4 or 5 cut up red potatoes til tender. In casserole dish, add 1 can carrots, 1 can green beans, handful of black eyed peas, and red potatoes. Take turkey juice and add 4tbls rice flour. Mix well. Add 2 cups milk. On a med heat stir until thick. Then pour over turkey and veggies. Top with crumbs and put into oven for 5-10 minutes for everything to get warm. Salt and pepper to taste. MMMM! Makes 1 large casserole.
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