Sunday, January 23, 2011


He's okay now. Has been. We were soooo lucky. He still has hives but the benadryl keeps them from bothering him. He's been asking me if there is an epi pen where ever we go, but other than that he seems to be handling it very well.

I'm getting better. I'm scared. :( Not about this time. I know he's okay. I'm just so scared about the next time someone screws up. The next time someone gives him food that has a tiny bit of mold or giving him cheese. What if next time his throat closes? (the doc said his throwing up probably helped a LOT) What if I'm not there? What if I'm a total loser and don't have the epi pen again? (I feel sooooo guilty about not having it with me. He never had a reaction that was more than hives before and we just got lazy) I feel so awful. I feel guilty and scared and so sad. Before I was scared it could get this bad. Now it is. What is this going to mean in reference to his other allergies? I mean obviously the mold is worse, what about the others? If he's now ana to one does that make him more likely to go ana to the others?

Part of me wants to brush this off as really not a big deal. There was nothing major that had to be done for him. We just pumped him full of benadryl and monitored him. It isn't much worse than before. This time really wasn't a big deal. Other kids go through much worse all the time! But how I feel is much different. Now I'm suddenly really truly afraid about this! Before I was overwhelmed, challenged, and worried. Now I'm really scared! I don't want to pass that to him! He's using his epi pen as a security blanket and I'm ok with that. It seems like a healthy response to this, but how do I hover without hovering? LOL. How do I stop this from ever happening again? I can't! That is terrifying!

Whew. Okay sorry. Just emotionally overwhelmed. Thanks for reading.


  1. Hi--I also have a highly allergic child. For a about a year he was only able to eat meat, rice, and water as most everything else was causing hives and breathing issues. His pediatrician recommended that we look into an alternative treatment called NAET, as the Ped was seeing success with other allergic kids. NAET is an allergy elimination technique that combines acupressure, chiro, and energy medicine. It's been a life line for us, to the point DS is now able to handle previously forbidden foods. I keep a blog at, and there is a NAET practitioner list on I won't lie, NAET is weird, but it's working for us.

  2. Thank you for posting! I always appreciate something to look into! Sounds like your son had a really though time (and you too!) I'll have to check out your blog. :) Thanks.

  3. Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog! Feel free to post a link to mine, and I'll do the same with yours =)
