Friday, May 21, 2010

Sorry no post lately.

I'm just hugely pregnant and slacking off on news worthy baking stuff. LOL!

So I sat down and did all my math conversions last night to figure out how much applesauce and olive oil I need for my 3 months worth of Namaste supple. 3 jars applesauce, and 2 101 oz tins of olive oil. NOT BAD!

Also I am attempting my hand at gardening somewhat. I got 9 free cherry tomato plants the other day from my sister in law. Soooo I put them in the topsy turvy planter. (I got a rip off at biglots for 7 something) I put 2 plants in each. At first they looked AWFUL, but after I watered them they perked right up and look AWESOME! As of today 1 planter has 21 tomatoes on it already! WOOT! I also received all my canning stuff which is cool because I plan on canning ALL I can from the harvest of these things! (If hubby and the boys don't eat them all on me)

So I know this is supposed to be an allergy blog, but it's also a me blog. I'm now 30 weeks and having some false labor contractions that are making me take it slow, thus why I've not been posting daily like I was. But anyways I have not forgotten about you all and I promise to post as much as I can!

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