BUT We got to try some AWESOME cookies from Enjoy Life recently!

Now I decided to open the first box of chocolate, chocolate chip while we had our friends over. They have no food allergies (LUCKY!) Yea in about 3 whole minutes the 6 boys devoured the entire box! LOL! I BARELY got to have 1!!!! Not one person knew they were allergy free. Everyone LOVED them! The crunchy texture is like perfectly almost over cooked homemade cookies. You know the kind, not burnt, but cooked as close as you can get. So yummy.

These were the next box to be devoured. My husband even sneaked some! And if you've read my blog you will know this is the HIGHEST of compliments! He's picky and HATES anything that is allergy free. He really liked these. He didn't realize until later that they were allergy free! These were SO good! We really loved them!

Now these the boys really loved. I thought they were pretty good. Not blow me away good, but good. Very like store bought Pillsbury mix. But then again the boys devoured these so maybe I'm just not the biggest sugar cookie fan. LOL!

Now the Vanilla graham cookies I'm ashamed to admit were so good I hid the box from my kids and ate the whole thing myself! LOL! These were SOOOOO perfect. The best texture for a graham cracker and super yummy in milk.
Now for those of you who live under a rock Enjoy life just released these cookies.

They are Top 8 free, potato, corn (there has been debate about this with livecornfree.com she says some of their stuff has MINUTE traces so proceed with caution if you are UBER sensitive), casein, sesame and sulfite free! Whew! They are great about how they list stuff on their products and really boil it all down to the most simple terms for everyone! It's great!!!! I really love this company. They are the perfect quick run into the store and grab it item. :)
Our house gives all the crunchy cookies 2 big thumbs up!!!
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